"Mass Effect 3," the final installment in the tale of Commander Shepard and his fight to save the universe, brings the series to a resounding and satisfying crescendo with tight combat, excellent storytelling and majestic visual effects.
Released in the United States on Tuesday, the game finds Shepard once again facing off against the Reapers, a race of sentient machines bent on eliminating all intelligent life in the universe. This time, the Reapers have come for Earth and Shepard must rally alien races from around the Milky Way to destroy this mechanical menace once and for all.
As in other "Mass Effect" games, players take on the role of Shepard and have many options to craft him (or, for the first time, her) any way they want. Six different classes, from soldier to sentinel, allow players to emphasize different strengths and powers -- including "biotic" telekinetic powers.
More inclined to straight-up combat? Choose a soldier or infiltrator. Would rather use the aforementioned biotics? Try being an adept or engineer. If you are looking for a good blend, choose a vanguard or sentinel.
The options allow players to find a character that best suits their style of play.
How you play also affects character development. As in previous games, the way Shepard talks to and treats others is measured in "paragon/renegade" bonuses.
Being helpful or friendly raises your "paragon" rating while being abrasive or uncaring raises your "renegade" score. Both affect how you are treated by other characters in the future and can definitely alter events later in the game.
All those options create the character that is cast into an epic story that has been eight years in the making.
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